One hundred New Kindergarten Songs

100 music & motion pieces for children with lyrics & sheet music - online songbook

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Second Verse. At the beginning of second verse as the farmer asks the lambs for wool, they run from the brook and scamper through the ring or meadow to the other end where stands the barn. The barn is formed by several children standing so as to form a square. Within the square stand the shearers, who quickly begin to clip the wool from the lambs with imaginary shears. As each lamb is sheared it scampers back to the ring.
Cotton Song.
[Page 102.]
Characters and objects represented. Negroes, horses, driver, wagon, and cotton plants.
The children stand in rows with right hands upheld with fists closed to repĀ­resent the plants with cotton bolls. The negroes, or pickers, go from child to child and pretend to pick the cotton which they drop into imaginary baskets upon their backs. Not far away stands the wagon formed by four children with hands joined and crossed. There is a driver and two horses, or only one if desired. As the pickers come to the end of the rows of children, or cotton plants, they go through the motions of emptying their baskets into the wagon, which is then driven away to market.
Kriss Kringle.
[Page 112.]
With this song the children carry tiny sleigh bells which they jingle at the words ringing and jangling. In repeating chorus they jingle their bells very softly. They ring bells at the end of every verse.
Lincoln's Birthday.
[Page 117.]
The children form in ring with Lincoln's picture in the centre of ring-draped with flags. It is more interesting to have two pictures, one facing each way. As the children in ring come in front of picture, each one in turn faces it and then marches towards it, one child passing by the right of the picture